Leadership is the ability to get followers. Hitler is a Leader, Jim Jones, Martin Luther King, winston Churchill, and John F Kennedy are a leader too. Event though their ability are very different, yet they have followers. The ability to get followers is the basic to know definition of leadership. Many people interpret leadership as the ability to get position not followers. They will do anything to get position, rank, or title, and when they get it they assume that they have become a leader, that though will create two problems that are they will frequently experience frustration, because they just have a few followers, and it become a reason for them not to lead anymore.
Comprehension about influence?
Everybody gives influence and influenced by other. So everybody is a leader in one scope, yet in another scope everybody can be a followers In certain situation and group. There is always a person who gives dominant influence. That leader is very easy to be found in any group. Just watch when a group of people gather. When a decision for an issue will be taken, whose opinions will be the most appreciated, who will receive the most attention, and whose ideas will easily approved by other.
The most effective way to understand the strength influence is to think about the moments while we are touched by influence of a person or an event, great event always leave deep affect to all life's aspect and memory. Pay attention to little things or people who influence us in a extraordinary way. Life have influence that are everyday influence human and take part in forming personality . J. R. Miller Said that "There have been meetings of only a moment, which have left impressions for life, for eternity. No one understand that mysterious thing we call influence, yet every one of use continually exerts influence. Either to heal, to bless, to leave marks of beauty; or to wound, to hurt, to poison, to stain other lives."
Good influence today is the best investment for the future.
Everybody has to decide he wants to be what kind of influence and develops the ability to lead. Bennis and Nanus said in the book Leaders "in fact, almost every one of use can point to some leadership experience."
Influence is skill that can be developed Robert Dilenshneider said and describes his idea in the book of Power of Influence "The Power Triangle"
- Communication;
- Recognition; and
- Influence.
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